raising twins,momo twins,monoamniotic,premature,identical,multiples The good, bad & the ugly...real life!: February 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tips for new parents


  • Establish a list of priorities. Babies' needs will head the list, including feeding, bathing, sleeping, and cuddling. Resting for you, should be high on your list as well.
  • Use a chart so everyone will see at a glance who has been cared for and at what time.
  • Accept all offers of help.
  • Treat your babies as individuals from the very beginning. They are two (or more) separate beings. Avoid referring to them as "the twins" or "the triplets" and use their given names. YOU set the example for others to follow.
  • Be sure to take photographs of each child separately for the time when one will ask for a picture of "me." Put the child's name on the back of his/her picture so that there is no confusion in later years.
  • Use care in selecting toys. As your babies grow, play becomes serious business. Toys that are suitable for singletons can become weapons when there are two (or more) in a playpen. As the children become older, try choosing different toys and encourage sharing.
  • Build a special one-to-one relationship with each child. Look for special talents and praise each one often. Try to spend some one-on-one time with each child.
  • Multiples may have a special bond between them. Try to rear them as individuals without destroying their special bond.
  • Read aloud to your multiples in order to stimulate speech development. Speak clearly to your children and encourage them to talk clearly also. Your children may talk to each other in a language only they can understand. Don't be upset at the "twin talk" as they will outgrow it.
  • Take walks with the babies. Just getting out of the house may be a morale booster.
  • If you are returning to work soon after the babies are born, look for a sitter who will understand the needs of caring for "more than one." Try the sitter a few times before actually returning to your job.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Here's a few comments that I have enjoyed over the past couple of years.  It seems like no matter where I am or what I am doing someone always has something to say about twins.  Here are a few:

  • Are they twins?  I really want to respond with, "No, I have managed to have two children that are the same age and look alike." or "They are three months apart."  I will let you know what kind of responses I get as soon as I work up the courage.
  • Are their personalities the same?
  • Which one is your favorite?
  • I get a lot of "God bless you's"
  • Do they get along or fight a lot?
  • Can you tell them apart?
  • "It gets easier, I promise."
  • "My twins are 25."
  • Are they identical?
  • "What's it like having twins?"  Um, kind of like having two babies!
  • Wow, you have your hands full!
  • Fertility or spontaneous?  I'm sorry stranger at Costco, but the functionality of my reproductive organs is none of none of your business!
  • The other day I got a "twins-I'm sorry"  I am still working on a witty response just in case I get that one again.  The last thing I am about is sorry that I have twins.
Please leave a comment if you have any fun experiences with those people that just can't help themselves!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

No picky eaters at this house

No mac & cheese, hot dogs with a side of PB & J at this house.   My kids do eat them occasionally, but I have never made them a meal separate from what my husband and I are eating.  Of course we started them out with rice cereal and a some baby food a little bit at a time to check for allergies.  After ruling out allergies I started giving them whatever we were eating, putting it through a food grinder if necessary.   It was also less expensive and probably healthier than whatever is used to preserve those squished up chicken & dumplins in a jar (sorry to call you out on it Gerber & Beech Nut)!  My kids all like Mexican food, seafood, fruit, vegetables, and just about everything in between. I am not writing this post because I am a professional on this subject, but because it is something that I often hear a lot of comments about.  Whether we are at a restaurant  and someone comments on what my kids are eating or a friend asking how I have gotten my kids to eat so well.

When I was pregnant with my first I read an article in a parenting magazine that said that kids are introduced to something before age two they are more likely to like it.  I liked that idea and I think there is something to it.  I have noticed the foods that my kids don't like are also the ones that I don't like probably because we don't ever eat them.  Today for lunch we had Tomato Basil soup and multigrain chips with roasted garlic hummus for lunch and my three youngest ate until everything was gone.  It's not always that healthy.  We also manage to eat our quota of junk food.  Unfortunately, my seven year old has been poisoned by the kids in the school lunch room and is getting pickier by the day.  I have got to figure out how to get a handle on that one before she no longer asks for broccoli when we go to the store without strangling all of the second graders.

Beware:  There is  a flip-side.  They all really like a good filet mignon.

And bless his heart...cute, little Hudson decided to help me out with this post by sneaking an orange bell pepper while I was writing it.  The picture isn't the greatest because he kept putting the pepper down to say cheese!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Twin Statistics

Twins are estimated to be approximately 1.9% of the world's population, with monozygotic twins making up 0.2% of the total—and 8% of all twins.
The twin birth rate in the United States is slightly above 32 twin live births per 1,000 live births,[2] while the Yoruba have the highest rate of twinning in the world, at 45 twins per 1,000 live births,[3][4][5] possibly because of high consumption of a specific type of yam containing a natural phytoestrogen which may stimulate the ovaries to release an egg from each side.[6][7]
Due to the limited size of the mother's womb, multiple pregnancies are much less likely to carry to full term than single births, with twin pregnancies lasting only 37 weeks (3 weeks less than full term) on average.[8]

It wasn't me...

These are the sort of things that happen when you are outnumbered by two year olds and take your eye off one to change the diaper of the other for two minutes.  The good news is the head that supported this shirt came in to say, "What happened, Mom?" with his cute, little hands in the air.  Fortunately for Aunt Bev's miracle stain remover the shirt is good as new and I just can't get enough of these little two-year olds!

Document the things they say...

I love Becky Higgins website.   She has great ideas for kids, crafts, recipes, etc.  If you are not familiar with her.  I highly suggest you take a look www.beckyhiggins.com.  My version of this is having a journal or notebook for each child and having easy access to write down those things you don't want to forget right away.  You could do the same thing making a file for each child on your computer if you prefer.  I am definately going to be "interviewing" my kiddos and adding this to their books.

February 3rd, 2011
There is a plethora of ways to document what your child says. Today I’m touching on two of those ways.
And by the way, this isn’t just for kids. Of course the ideas are applicable to adults just as well. Perhaps to David’s dismay, I have been known to document his exact words once in a while, particularly in those years before our children came along. I may or may not have made him answer a full list of interview questions once or twice. In the name of personal & family history of course. (He must love me?)
{ interview style }
First I’m going to pass along an idea from reader Meggan in Sequim, Washington. Perhaps you’ll relate.
Meggan wrote, I was trying to recall the last time I actually sat down with my kids and just had a conversation with them. Well to be honest, it’s been a while. I’ve been so busy with errands, taking kids to school, meetings, etc. that I haven’t spent that one-on-one time that each kid deserves with his/her parent. So, I put a hold on our morning activities, and sat my kids down & talked.
Meggan’s creative twist on the activity was to treat her child like a star and she was their fan and they set up an interview. The key is to write down their answers exactly as the words come out of their mouth. That’s what makes it so precious, so real, so accurate. For example, her 4-year old stated that he likes candy as his favorite food, and it came out “Can-knee” so she wrote it down just as that.
Meggan added, It was such an amazing moment with each of them. I enjoyed hearing their cute little voices & mispronunciations. To tie it in with my POTD, I set my camera up across from us, set it on “self-timer” and took a picture of us conversing.
Meggan is adding this interview page to her Project Life book. She continues, I am truly enjoying the POTD idea– it’s allowed me to look at my life more in depth rather than just scratching the surface. If you’re interested in seeing how she set up her document to include, here it is:
{ capture the quote }
It’s as simple as that. Your child says something you don’t want to forget because it is so precious, so funny, so witty. Write it down immediately while it’s fresh & as accurate as possible. Same principle applies when someone (a friend, a sibling, a teacher) tells you something your child said or did. W R I T E   I T   D O W N .
For those of you doing a picture-a-day with Project Life, including a funny quote or story is always a great idea. You can accompany the story with a picture of that child or something related to the story. Or not.
Example. This is a POTD from one day last week:
The journaling for that day reads: Got the following email from our friend/neighbor Steph: “So today after school Claire saw Shane and I walking and asked if she could come over to play. After I explained to her that Shelby was home under the weather, she finally cut to the chase. “Well, could you bring your dog over then?” This is Classic Claire. It’s all about the dog for her. Another Classic Claire thing right now is how she signs her name with a flower or a heart or both. Such a girly girl.

I was able to take a little anecdote, as shared by a friend … and a picture of Claire’s current way of signing her name … and blend them together in a “Classic Claire” entry for that day.

Streamline Your AM Routine: 9 Strategies for Getting Out the Door Smoothly

If your house is anything like mine our morning routine can use any help it can get.

Breakfast messes, arguments over clothing, painstaking pokiness…sometimes simply getting out of the house is the toughest part of the day! Thankfully, Circle of Moms members have shared some great strategies for hassle-free morning routines.
  1. Embrace PM Prep
    Countless Circle of Moms members recommend prepping each evening for the following morning. This entails everything from laying out clothes for your child (and even yourself!) to preparing lunches and breakfast, packing diaper bags and backpacks, and even putting certain things in the car. Maggie V., a mother of three, is one of many moms who use this strategy: "We try to get everything ready the night before: kids' clothes, lunch bags, and everything the kids will need the next day."
  2. Double-check Backpacks
    If you have a child in school, do a thorough backpack check in the evening to avoid missing homework and forgotten permission slips. As Southern Californian mom Jennifer L. advises, "Sign those school papers and de-clutter the backpack, go over anything she may need to bring with her the next day (i.e., special book/toy for sharing, etc.) and have it in the backpack already."
  3. Give Yourself a Head Start
    "I myself get up early," shared Sue C., a mother of two children. "I have to be able to get ready before they get up." Waking up just a half hour before your children can make your own morning prep more efficient and less stressful.
  4. Create a Child-Friendly Checklist
    Angela W. is one of multiple Circle of Moms members who suggests posting a morning checklist: "A list (words or pictures) of all that needs to be done before you leave could be posted in the kids' rooms so they can see what they need to do, instead of you having to repeat it 50 times."
  5. Play Getting-Ready Games
    Making morning tasks into a game can motivate children to get through their tasks more quickly. "I do the counting game once breakfast is over," shares Kristi S., a mother of three children. "She tries to hurry and be ready by the time I get to 50." Lynn R. also uses a racing game: "In the mornings we have "blast off to the front door," where we get ready as fast as we can. First one there gets a rocket sticker...My kids have never gotten ready so fast...I have found that if you can make any routine fun then kids are more likely to do it."
  6. Delay Dressing Your Child
    If your child is prone to spills, delay dressing her until you're about to head out the door. Krista E. uses this tactic with her young son: "My toddler stays in his PJs while he eats breakfast…Once he's done, I wipe his face and hands while he's still captive in his booster seat...When I get him dressed, it's basically 10 minutes before we have to leave."
  7. Use TV Strategically
    Several moms, including mother of two Lucy W., completely avoid TV in the morning: "On no account does the TV get put on in the morning! That is the one thing that spells disaster." Other moms, like mother of two Sheila M., find TV can encourage children to get ready quickly: "If my daughter gets ready in time, she gets to watch a little TV before we have to leave."
  8. Allow Yourself a Time Buffer
    "I schedule myself to leave for work a half-hour earlier than I actually need to," shares Krista E. Giving yourself extra time can make the morning less stressful.
  9. Have a Backup Plan
    "I always have an extra $10 hid away in my vehicle to hit Tim Horton's for breakie," admits Kelly B. in Ontario. No matter how hard you try, occasional rough mornings are inevitable. With a small stash of cash in the car, you can treat yourself to a vanilla latte en-route to work. After one of those mornings, you deserve it!

Monoamniotic Twins

The simple definition:  Both babies are in the same sack and share a placenta.  They are very high risk and we were told only occur in .01% of twin pregnancies.
Another random fact regarding this type of pregnancy: 75% of them are girls.

When it was discovered that our twins are monoamniotic (also called momo) I was sent to a maternal fetal medicine specialist.  At the first appointment the dr. went on and on for at least two hours while drawing a diagram and explaining all of the risks of this type of twins.  He made very sure that I was aware that the survival rate was less than 50% and IF and only IF both babies were to survive the chances of them having severe brain damage and being blind  and/or deaf was close to 90%.  Needless to say, by the time I left the appointment in my mind I had buried my babies.  He suggested that I bring my husband back, where he went on to explain the same to him for three hours this time.  Yes, there are more risks and tragedies with monoamniotic twins but there are also risks and complications with "normal", single births.  Most frequently the complications are from strangling each other with the umbilical cords while in the womb.
I am including this post just in case there anyone reading this is in the same boat that I was in a few short years ago, hoping that you will see that there is hope.   We were very fortunate and I have heard of many others that have been as fortunate and some even more than we were.  I was hospitalized at 25 weeks and my babies were delivered at 28 weeks.  Baby A, Nicholas received a blood transfusion and has had some challenges with his lungs.  He had pneumonia several times and was diagnosed with Asthma.  Less than three years later he has outgrown most of his pulmonary issues.  He hasn't had pneumonia for over a year and we have not had to use his inhaler or nebulizer for almost a year!  Baby B, Hudson has a slight cerebral hemmorage and has had some developmental delays.  He is almost three and still not walking, but getting close and all of the specialists and therapists that care for him are confident that he will be where he should be or close to it by the time he starts kindergarten.  I have heard of several cases of monoamniotic twins that were delivered at 32-34 weeks that have spent some time in the NICU and been just fine.

Various types of chorionicity and amniosity (how the baby's sac looks) in monozygotic (one egg/identical) twins as a result of when the fertilized egg divides
Monoamniotic twins are identical twins that share same amniotic sac within their mother’s uterus.[1] Monoamniotic twins are always identical, and always monochorionic as well (sharing the same placenta), and are sometimes termed Monoamniotic-Monochorionic ("MoMo") twins.[1] They also share the placenta, but have two separate umbilical cords. Monozygotic twins develop when an embryo does not split until after formation of the amniotic sac,[1] at about 9 days after fertilization.[2] Monoamniotic triplets or other monoamniotic multiples[3] are also possible, but extremely rare.[1]


Monoamniotic twins are rare, with an occurrence of 1 in 35,000 to 1 in 60,000 pregnancies,[1] corresponding to about 1% of twin pregnancies.[3]


The survival rate for monoamniotic twins has been shown to be as high as 81%[4] to 95%[5] in 2009, although is often reported as being between 50%[1] to 60%.[3]. Causes of mortality and morbidity include:
  • Cord entanglement: The close proximity and absence of amniotic membrane separating the two umbilical cords makes it particularly easy for the twins to become entangled in each other’s cords, hindering fetal movement and development.[3] Additionally, entanglement may cause one twin to become stuck in the birth canal during labor and expulsion.[1] Cord entanglement happens to some degree in almost every monoamniotic pregnancy.[1]
  • Cord compression: One twin may compress the other’s umbilical cord, potentially stopping the flow of nutrients and blood and resulting in fetal death.[1] [3]
  • Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS): One twin receives the majority of the nourishment, causing the other twin to become undernourished. TTTS is much more difficult to diagnose in monoamniotic twins than diamniotic ones, since the standard method otherwise is to compare the fluid in the sacs. Rather, TTTS diagnosis in monoamniotic twins relies on comparing the physical development of the twins.[1]


Ultrasound is the only way to detect MoMo twins before birth.[3] It can show the lack of a membrane between the twins after a couple of weeks' gestation, when the membrane would be visible if present.[3]
Further ultrasounds with high resolution doppler imaging and non-stress tests help to assess the situation and identify potential cord problems.[3]
There is a correlation between having a single yolk sac and having a single amniotic sac.[1] However, it is difficult to detect the number of yolk sacs, because the yolk sac disappears during embryogenesis.[1]
Cord entanglement and compression generally progress slowly, allowing parents and medical caregivers to make decisions carefully.[3]


Only a few treatments can give any improvements.
Sulindac has been used experimentally in some monoamniotic twins, lowering the amount of amniotic fluid and thereby inhibiting fetal movement. This is believed to lower the risk of cord entanglement and compression. However, the potential side effects of the drug have been insufficiently investigated.[1] [3]
Regular and aggressive fetal monitoring is recommended for cases of monoamniotic twins. Fetal heart rate and movement is monitored twice-weekly, particularly after the 26th week. After the 28th week, many women enter inpatient care, with continuous monitoring,[1] preferably in the care of a perinatologist, an obstetrician that specialises in high risk pregnancies.[3]
All monoamniotic twins are delivered prematurely by cesarean section, since the risk of cord entanglement and/or cord compression becomes too great in the third trimester. The cesarean is usually performed at 32, 34 or 36 weeks.[3] Many monoamniotic twins experience life-threatening complications as early as 26 weeks, motivating immediate delivery. However, delivery around 26 weeks is associated with life-threatening complications of preterm birth.[1] Steroids may be administered to stimulate the babies' lung development[3] and decrease the risk of infant respiratory distress syndrome. Natural birth rather than cesarean section causes cord prolapse, with the first baby delivered pulling the placenta shared with the baby being left inside.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Pregnancy-Info -- > Monoamniotic Twins Retrieved on July 9, 2009
  2. ^ Shulman, Lee S.; Vugt, John M. G. van (2006). Prenatal medicine. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis. pp. Page 447. ISBN 0-8247-2844-0. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m MoMo Twins; Monochorionic Monoamniotic Twins By Pamela Prindle Fierro, About.com. Retrieved on July 9, 2009
  4. ^ Hack KE, Derks JB, Schaap AH, Lopriore E, Elias SG, Arabin B, et al. Perinatal Outcome of Monoamniotic Twin Pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol. 2009;113(2, Part 1):353-60 http://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/Abstract/2009/02000/Perinatal_Outcome_of_Monoamniotic_Twin_Pregnancies.17.aspx
  5. ^ Baxi LV, Walsh CA. Monoamniotic twins in contemporary practice: a single-center study of perinatal outcomes. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2009. http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article&issn=1476%2d7058&issue=preprint&spage=1&doi=10%2e1080%2f14767050903214590&date=2009&atitle=Monoamniotic%20twins%20in%20contemporary%20practice%3a%20a%20single%2dcenter%20study%20of%20perinatal%20outcomes&aulast=Baxi&aufirst=Laxmi&auinit=V%2e

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Change of Heart

While I was a teenager my parents enjoyed a fair amount of traveling with their friends, who were empty nesters. Although close to it, my parents were not empty nesters and I really resented them acting as if they were.  They would go out of town for about a week of every month during the winter months while I was in high school.  To many teenagers parents going out of town is accompanied by vast amounts of freedom and excitement, but not for me.  Although I didn't ever do anything for my parents to question their trust for me I was always sentenced to staying at my Grandma & Grandpas house.  It was close to my high school and they watched me like a hawk.  My Grandma & Grandpa were the kindest people in the world and they were always very happy to have me at their house.  I had the hardest time sleeping while I was there.  I am not sure why, but I was always ridiculasly scared at night. Even though they were in the bedroom right across the hall I spent many nights wide awake with a sick feeling in my stomach.  As time went on and I knew the time was coming I would sneak a few Tylenol PM out of the cabinet to take on my journey to Grandma & Grandpas house.

Every morning they would both be waiting for me to get ready for school and then we would all sit down for breakfast together, which was a bowl of Frosted Flakes with a banana that Grandma had already cut on it and a glass of apple juice.  Occasionally we would spot a deer crossing their back yard out the sliding glass door that was next to the dining room table while we were eating.  If I were there over the weekend Grandma would always make a hot breakfast on Saturday.

I had a late birthday, so I didn't start driving until my junior year, which meant that they had to drive me to school.  They were very willing and didn't mind the task at all, but I sure did.  They would both take me to school everyday in their yellow Cadillac.  Grandpa was so proud of his yellow caddy.  I remember him saying that the car was getting old and he should probably get a new one, but he was sure he wouldn't be able to find anything as nice as what he already had.  I didn't share his feelings regarding the caddy.  It was huge and nothing in the ballpark of classiness or "cool" to a teenage girl.  I mean the kind of huge that the front of the car arrived at it's destination a good five minutes before the rest of the car, at least it seemed like it.  It always felt as if it were floating down the road in the Caddy.  I didn't ever dare to wear a seatbelt because the buckles were neatly tucked away and I didn't want to mess them up. As we would round corners if I were caught off guard and not holding onto the door handle I would slide across the always Armor-alled seats.

Then came the dreaded arrival at the school.  I would always tell Grandpa that he could drop me off on the corner and didn't have to fight all of the traffic in front of the school, but he always insisted on wrestling his way through the traffic and taking me right to the front of the school where he would then run around the car as fast as he could to open my door and give me a kiss on the cheek.  I would run into school, red faced in hopes that I had been invisible with the bag of snacks that Grandma had packed just in case I was hungry before lunch.  She usually packed some homemade cookies, a piece of fruit and always a napkin.  Even though I assured them that my parents had given me plenty of lunch money Grandpa always insisted that I take an extra $5 from his wallet just in case lunch and my morning snacks weren't enough.

The end of the day would come very quickly and it would be time for my curbside service pickup in the shiny, yellow Caddy.  I would walk out the school doors and there it was...right before my very eyes as if I were a movie star getting into a limo...Grandpa in his light colored, perfectly pressed polyester slacks, a sweater to match and his shiny shoes happily standing with my door wide open.  I would quickly get into the car and duck, pretending to get something out of my backpack until the school was out of sight.  Grandma would be sitting in the front seat with a snack for me to eat on the way home or wherever we were going just in case my lunch and bag of snacks weren't enough.  We would usually go back to Grandma & Grandpa's house or occasionally stop at the store, bank or head over to their favorite place to eat.  At each place they were "regulars" and there was a very nice person on the opposite side of the counter that called them by name, which made them very happy.

When we would go out to eat they typically had "their" waitress.  The waitress of course knew them by name and what they would like to eat and would sometimes place their order before Grandma & Grandpa even thought that they knew that they were there.  Grandpa was a very wise, frugal man and would always leave $1 tip or sometimes even $2 and a handful of Werther's candies(those were his trademark that he gave to everyone everywhere he went) no matter how much the bill came to.  The waitresses knew what to expect and didn't seem to mind.  I would often sneak what was left of my $5 from lunch onto the table as we were leaving.

We would always go home to have our Snicker's Ice Cream bar.  No matter where we had been Grandpa & I always sat at the table and chatted while eating our ice cream bars when we got home.

Evenings were very long at their house for a teenage gal.  I am not sure why, but I was always afraid to ask to go with friends or to ask to borrow the phone to call a friend.  Instead I would sit in my room and do my homework several times over or proceed to the basement to join Grandma & Grandpa watching Lawrence Welk or a John Wayne movie and a bowl of ice cream.

Well, as much as I dreaded my weeks at Grandma & Grandpa's house I have some to appreciate the visits over Snickers ice cream bars and the kindness that I learned from Grandma & Grandpa.  I wish I would have gotten over my teenage self and realized the royal treatment that I was receiving and really enjoyed  and learned from the time that I spent with Grandma & Grandpa, rather than counting the days until I could go back home.  Everywhere they went they were known by name and well loved and respected.  Grandma & Grandpa also had a great love and respect for each other.  Grandpa always vacuumed the floor and got Grandma's bath water ready.  Grandma always fixed Grandpa's food just the way he liked it and always had his clothes washed, pressed, and ready for him to wear.  Neither did anything because it was expected or because the other couldn't do it, but because of the love & respect they had for each other.

Grandpa Passed away last week and I was a little disappointed that his body was transported in a hearse.  I am sure they could have put half a dozen caskets in the trunk of that shiny, yellow caddy.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Study finds link between obesity and timing of starting solid food - ksl.com

SALT LAKE CITY -- Pediatricians have long told parents to wait until at least four months to start their baby on solid food. But a new study found a link between obesity at 3 years old and the introduction of solid foods before four months.
Utah's WIC (Women, Infants and Children) program nutrition coordinator, registered dietitian Phyllis Crowley says the research makes sense. She wishes pediatricians would prepare bottle-feeding parents ahead of time for just how much formula they're going to need over those first six months.
"Unfortunately, I see moms turning to early solids because they're running out of formula, and maybe they haven't planned ahead, and they haven't thought about putting back some extra money to buy extra formula," Crowley said.
She said there are also some old wives' tales out there that can lead new parents astray, such as advice to feed a young baby solid foods because it will help him sleep through the night. The science, she points out, doesn't back that up.
The research in Monday's edition of the journal Pediatrics found there was no link between when solid foods are introduced to breastfed babies and obesity at 3 years old.
Crowley says it's one more reason for pediatricians to encourage new mothers to give breastfeeding a try.
"Look at the impact and the protective effect of breastfeeding," she said.
Of course, not all mothers are able to breastfeed, and Crowley says if you have to choose bottle-feeding, waiting until six months to introduce solid foods is best for a variety of reasons. Developmentally, of course, a young child just isn't able to feed himself.
"But also, that early introduction of solid food, before four months, can pre-dispose to allergies," Crowley said.
Study Details
  • Included 847 children
  • At age 3, 9% were obese
  • Breastfed infants - no association between timing of solid-food introduction and odds of obesity
  • Formula-fed infants -- sixfold increase in odds of obesity if solid foods introduced before 4 months
Study finds link between obesity and timing of starting solid food - ksl.com

Whiter than White

Here's another great laundry trick:
Pour 1 cup Cascade Powder (Dishwasher Detergent) & 1 Cup of bleach in with your whites and they will be whiter than ever before!

Best Stain Remover Recipe

I come from a family of folks that are tainted by OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).  I have been "healed" of it myself.  One of the miracles that comes with twins.  I have a feeling it has to be that way; OCD+twins could quite possibly equal insanity!  Anyway, they can get stains out of everything, I mean everything and have lots of tricks for fixing things that I will pass along from time to time.  This "recipe" comes from my aunt and has worked miracles on many articles of clothing.

Aunt Bev's Miracle Laundry Stain Remover
Equal Parts of:
  • Wisk (Laundry Detergent)
  • Ammonia (All-purpose cleaner)
  • Water
I keep this mixed up in a large, heavy duty squirt bottle and squirt it on most of my kids clothes as I am putting them into the washer.  It can get anything from berries to dirt out of just about anything.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Two of Everything?

Shortly after it was discovered that twins were growing in my belly my mind started thinking in duplicate form. I purchased double of everything.  Once when I was paying for all of my duplicate merchandise at Target the concerned cashier said, "Did you know you have two of these?"  My response was , "Yes, two of those as well as everything else in the cart."

It didn't take long for me to run out of money as well as space in my house.  Fortunately I "wised up" before most of the boxes had been opened and hit the road returning.  My babies slept in the same bassinet until they grew out of it and then slept in the same crib until they started wiggling and waking each other up.  Then of course there was a need for two cribs.  We did find that we only needed one swing, one bouncer, etc.  We would let them take turns with the baby entertainment toys.  As our boys have gotten a little older there are a few toys that I have purchased duplicates of, you know the favorites.  They both got rocking horses for Christmas because I had images in my head of them fighting over them, pushing each other off.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Minivan-Sweats Syndrome

I have some very strong feelings regarding the minivan...I am a lover.  With multiple car seats there are not a whole lot of things better than pushing a button and having the sliding door open all by itself and then walking over to the wide open door that is just the right height for buckling the kiddos in.  If that isn't enough my next love is the cargo space.  Oh my, you can't beat the cargo space that the minivan has to offer.  I drove an SUV for a while and had to take apart my double stroller and have my older kids hold onto it while I would close the hatch/trunk door thingy (whatever it's called) and then stuff my groceries in random corners or under my kids feet throughout the vehicle.  What a feeling of liberation the first time I put my fully assembled stroller in the back of my van and all of my groceries right there in the same place.  If that isn't enough ..the gas mileage.  My SUV..10-12 mpg.  My minivan 23-25 mpg and I hear the gas mileage on some of the newer minivans are even better.  Did I happen to mention that it drives, handles, parks very similar to a car as opposed to a land barge?  Sounds good to me.  My wonderful sister-in-law is a local radio show host and I perked up a bit when they were talking about minivans on her show the other day.  She's a classy gal and just as passionate about the SUV.  She says that she would feel like driving a minivan would be very similar to consenting to living the rest of her life in sweats!  I personally have never suffered from the minivan/sweats syndrome.  I mean really, we are in the year 2011 and no longer talking about your mom's Astro Van or the Caravan with the wood paneled sides.  I think that my next door neighbors suffer from the minivan/sweat pants syndrome.  They home school their children to keep them safe from being corrupted by the school system, yet they put their baby in an infant car seat or their four year old in the front seat of their little sporty Mazda! Hmmmm....I just scratch my head each time I see them driving away.  I guess if you feel better about yourself lugging your car seat or toddler up and into an SUV or cramming all of your kiddos into a sedan then I say more power to ya!  I may be saving gas$$$ and making life a little easier for myself, but you win the award for the better workout!